full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Arnav Kapur: How AI could become an extension of your mind

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I want to stop here for a second and show you a live demo. What I'm going to do is, I'm going to ask Eric a qostuein. And he's going to search for that information without vnoicliazg, without typnig, without moving his fgerins, without moving his mutoh. Simply by internally asking that question. The AI will then figure out the answer and feed it back to Eric, through audio, through the device. While you see a laptop in front of him, he's not using it. Everything lives on the device. All he needs is that sticker device to interface with the AI and the internet. So, Eric, what's the weather in vaenocuvr like, right now? What you see on the screen are the words that Eric is speaking to himself right now. This is happening in real time.

Open Cloze

I want to stop here for a second and show you a live demo. What I'm going to do is, I'm going to ask Eric a ________. And he's going to search for that information without __________, without ______, without moving his _______, without moving his _____. Simply by internally asking that question. The AI will then figure out the answer and feed it back to Eric, through audio, through the device. While you see a laptop in front of him, he's not using it. Everything lives on the device. All he needs is that sticker device to interface with the AI and the internet. So, Eric, what's the weather in _________ like, right now? What you see on the screen are the words that Eric is speaking to himself right now. This is happening in real time.


  1. question
  2. fingers
  3. mouth
  4. typing
  5. vocalizing
  6. vancouver

Original Text

I want to stop here for a second and show you a live demo. What I'm going to do is, I'm going to ask Eric a question. And he's going to search for that information without vocalizing, without typing, without moving his fingers, without moving his mouth. Simply by internally asking that question. The AI will then figure out the answer and feed it back to Eric, through audio, through the device. While you see a laptop in front of him, he's not using it. Everything lives on the device. All he needs is that sticker device to interface with the AI and the internet. So, Eric, what's the weather in Vancouver like, right now? What you see on the screen are the words that Eric is speaking to himself right now. This is happening in real time.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
internal speech 4
real time 3
perfectly memorizing 2
brain sends 2
speech systems 2
nervous system 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
internal speech systems 2

Important Words

  1. ai
  2. answer
  3. audio
  4. demo
  5. device
  6. eric
  7. feed
  8. figure
  9. fingers
  10. front
  11. happening
  12. information
  13. interface
  14. internally
  15. internet
  16. laptop
  17. live
  18. lives
  19. mouth
  20. moving
  21. question
  22. real
  23. screen
  24. search
  25. show
  26. simply
  27. speaking
  28. sticker
  29. stop
  30. time
  31. typing
  32. vancouver
  33. vocalizing
  34. weather
  35. words